Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Italy, Blues, Food and Waterfalls

The past week was loaded with fun stuff, outside of the regular work and school routine.
Last Monday we went to Clinton, Indiana for the Little Italy festival. Sean hadn't been since he was younger and I had never been, so it was a fun semi-new venture for us both. We walked the main lane of the festival for awhile but there was really nothing special, mostly festival food and then at the end was a little carnival. We did catch the end of a meatball eating contest, which was fun, but after that we moved toward the center of town where a couple of the Italian restaurants are located. We settled at the Wine Garden, which was really beautiful with a vine that wound itself up into the ceiling and created a canopy. There was live music, so we had a couple of drinks and listened to the band then called it a day.

Saturday we snuck ourselves into the Blues Festival in downtown Terre Haute through a small gap in the fence. Lots of good music that night, we danced up front for a little while and then mozied back to a seating area and just hung out in the atmosphere. Our favorite band to play that night was called the David Mayfield Parade, you should definitely check them out.
Sunday was the Parish Picnic at Deming Park for Sean's church. We brought Tabouli (yumm). It was pretty fun, we got to eat lunch and catch up with his parents. After that we headed down to Spencer, In. for a short hike and to play in the waterfall a little bit at McCormick's Creek SP. All state parks were free in honor of 9/11, so we definitely wanted to take advantage of the deal. We spent the remainder of the evening in Bloomington strolling the streets and had dinner at the Scholars Inn Bakehouse.

I hope you all had a great week and have a great one to come!
Peace and Love.

p.s. the 5k training is still going strong =)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

photo booth legacy

Hey again =)
Not too much to update on this week. We did a lot of work and school and, unfortunately, not a lot of play. We are a week into our 5k run training and it's going well, I actually don't hate it as much as expected and it's something to get us out of the house for an hour or so in the evenings.

Today I'm going to share with you our monthly rendezvous with the photo booth.
We started this on our first official date and thought "Why not do it forever?" and so we've done it every month since.

I hope that photo booths don't disappear (with the invention of computer applications that do essentially the same thing) so that we can continue doing this forever!

We have a pretty productive week coming up, so there will be new adventures to report next week! Until then, we hope you have a good week and do something adventurous!

Peace and Love.